Lab Tests
We have been researching filtration for face masks and air purifiers since 2008. We have learned how to develop great filtration products over the years. Being open and transparent about testing and performance is at the core of what we do.
We know how important it is for you to buy a face mask that offers absolute respiratory protection. In our world, performance needs to be backed by data and not fancy marketing jargon.
Nelson Labs performs these tests and is the world leader in microbiological and analytical laboratory tests. They also serve the pre-qualification testing for NIOSH, which certifies clinical grade masks. They are the gold standard when it comes to medical and pharmaceutical testing. Below is a summary of our face mask filter test results.
(1) (PFE): 0.07 to 0.3 micron: 97.14% (see test report)
KandyMask - Summary of Face Mask Filter Test Results
97.14% Particle Filtration Efficiency
This test is primarily used to test the filtration efficiency of a mask.
This test is performed to determine the particle penetration rate of the filters. Sodium Chloride (NaCI) is generated and pushed through the entirety of the face mask. Sodium Chloride is a microscopic particle of salt. This allows scientists to replicate different size particles you would find in air pollution.
The Nelson Lab scientist used particle sizes between 0.075 microns and 0.3 microns. The mass medium size was around 0.26 microns. This size is chosen because it is the most penetrating and challenging for a face mask filter to catch.
Important Note: KandyMask is not a medical mask but designed to be presented as the top-rated filtered mask for public use.