Can a UV Box Sanitizer Kill Viruses

Can a UV Sanitizer Box Kill Viruses?

UV lights have been used for many years to stop the spread of viruses. Many are wondering if it can stop the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The answer to this question is yes, but many home UV devices have misleading claims.

For UV to kill viruses, it must have the correct dosage and come in the proper form. There are 3 types of UV radiation: UVA, UVB, and UVC. One is known to kill 99.9% of viruses when applied correctly.

Can a UV sanitizer box kill viruses

What are UVA lights?

UVA lights are the primary type of light used in tanning beds. They penetrate the skin further than UVB and can cause skin aging. They are also able to go through clouds and windows. They have the highest wavelength and are also low energy.

What are UVB lights?

UVB lights are the ones that can cause skin cancer. Some may get through the clouds, but they don't get through windows. Tanning beds could use a combination of UVA and UVB. They have a shorter wavelength and higher energy than UVA. 

What are UVC lights?

UVC lights have the shortest wavelengths and the highest energy output. It is the most damaging light of the 3 and can damage all life forms. The good news for us is that it is completely filtered out by the ozone layer and never reaches the ground. This is the type of light used in a quality UV sanitizer box.

UVC can disinfect devices only with the correct wavelength.

The best wavelength to disinfect items is between 200nn and 280nm. They are also known in the industry as germicidal lamps. 254nm lights are sometimes before, but they contain mercury and are bad for the environment. Now there are a variety of UV-C LED lights that don't contain mercury. For example, the lights in our KandyMask UV sanitizer box have 6 UV-C lights that are 275nm each.

How does UV-C kill viruses?

UVC light doesn't kill the virus but deactivates it by damaging its DNA, making it harmless. This is the reason why UV-C is used in hospitals as a disinfectant. Some UV lights are left in a room when humans are not around. There are other devices like our UV box that have a safety cover and only shines on devices with the lids closed, making it safer for humans.


Does a UV santizer box kill viruses


UV-C can sanitize all types of things, but some are better than others.

When using a UV box to sanitize your home items, it's essential to understand the basics. UV-C only deactivates viruses where the light is shining. For example, if you are sanitizing a phone, you should turn the phone over to disinfect the other side. It is also better for sanitizing hard surfaces over porous surfaces. If you are trying to sanitize your face mask, you must leave it longer than a phone. There are more places for germs to hide, so you want to make sure you lay your mask spread out at the bottom. Zap it for 10 minutes or more, then turn it over and sanitize it for another 10 minutes. The longer, the better to make sure you have your bases covered.

Most of these daily items can be disinfected with a UV sanitizer box.
  • Face Masks
  • Keys
  • Credit cards
  • Glasses
  • Jewelry
  • Baby bottles
  • Toys
  • Baby pacifiers
  • Cell phones
  • Earbuds and much more
Even after this pandemic ends, it is always good to have a device at home to help sanitize the things we use every day.

Please look at our newest KandyMask UV sanitizer box, as it has the proper functions to protect you and your family.
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